Come Visit Us
Dickinson Presbyterian Church is located at 12 Church Road, Carlisle PA 17015. We are approximately 7 miles west of Carlisle along the Walnut Bottom Road (Rt. 174).
The church can be easily reached by exiting I-81 at exit 37 (Newville Exit), traveling South on Rt. 233. Turn left at the first stop sign. Dickinson Presbyterian Church is 7/10th of a mile on the right.
Dickinson Presbyterian Church is nestled in the small village of Cumminstown, PA. Cumminstown is located in the Cumberland Valley in South Central Pennsylvania, one of the longest running valleys in America. Dickinson is located on Rt. 174 (Walnut Bottom Road) 8 miles west of Carlisle (pop. 17,000),
Cumberland County’s Court Seat. Carlisle is a major transportation hub due to the its access to numerous major highways (I-81 and PA Turnpike to name a few). Carlisle is within a 2 hour drive of many major metropolitan areas such as Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington DC. Although transportation is a major economic impact on the Carlisle area, Carlisle maintains historic beauty through it’s quaint downtown and numerous historic landmarks.